End Stigma Together

WISE (Wise Initiative for Stigma Elimination) is a coalition of organizations and individuals building resilient and hopeful communities by promoting inclusion and support for all affected by mental health challenges.

Learn about best evidence-based national practices for reducing stigma.

Upcoming events

We invite you to attend our WISE Coalition meetings and special events. Meetings are free and most take place virtually.

What you can do today?

Here are ways you can help reduce stigma related to mental health challenges:
Maintain recovery perspective on a daily basis – proactively seek out stories.
Mother with arms around son.
Reinforce and support resilience and recovery in others.
Consider the story you can tell about recovery.
A group sitting at desks in a circle in a classroom discussing.
Bring the conversation to your community.
Check out resources to learn more about mental health conditions.
See a person for who they are, not what drugs they use.
Say something when you see someone being mistreated because of their drug use.
Use positive language and avoid hurtful labels.
Listen while withholding judgment.

End Stigma Together: The WISE Approach

WISE is dedicated to reducing oppression related to mental illness by building resilience, inclusion, and hope for mental health in all communities.