If you have any issues accessing our content or navigating our website, reach out to us at wise@eliminatestigma.org. We value feedback that helps enhance everyone’s online experience.
Are you looking for support and guidance in promoting compassion resilience in your work? Join us for the Monthly Compassion Resilience Open Office Hour, hosted virtually from Wisconsin, where you’ll have the opportunity to connect with the WISE staff.
At this event, attendees will have the chance to ask questions, voice concerns, and discuss any barriers they may be facing in the implementation of compassion resilience in their daily work. The WISE staff will be available to provide support and answer any questions you may have.
This open office hour is designed to be flexible and accessible, allowing you to join at any time during the hour. So, whether you have a specific question or just want to learn more, feel free to join us and connect with the WISE community.
Please be sure to copy the Zoom link into your calendar, so you don’t miss out on this opportunity.
Join us on the first Thursday of every month for the Monthly Compassion Resilience Open Office Hour. Sign up today and join the conversation!