Advocacy After Treatment

Jana's story about Advocacy After Treatment.

“One day you’ll tell the story of what you’re going through, what you overcame, and that will become a page in someone else’s survival guide.”

Chris’ Story

Chris's recovery story.

“A big part of my recovery has been acceptance and awareness … Being able to be at peace, be at ease, really is freeing.”

Sumi’s Story

Sumi's recovery story.

“Life can get better. There is life outside of this … No matter how long you end up being in that place, there is a way out.”

Tara’s Story

Tara's recovery story.

“I want to see what I can do now, more than ever. I want to prove it to myself. What can this new Tara be capable of?”

Zach’s Story

Zach's recovery story.

“Mental illness can be anybody, even those you least expect … You can’t really judge a book by its cover, everyone has a story.”

Rick’s Story

Rick's recovery story.

“Recovery had to come from within inside of me…I was able to get better and reinvent myself.”

Hannah’s Story

Hannah's recovery story.

“I always thought of it as only a curse. But now I realize it is also a blessing in many ways.”

Christopher’s Story

Christopher's recovery story.

“OCD can feel very challenging and could feel like it is the end of the world …. there is a better life in the future that is available and that is possible.”