Briden’s Story

Briden's recovery story.

“Getting treatment is one of the most profound and amazing ways I’ve helped myself in life.”

Debbie’s Story

Debbie's recovery story.

“I am proud to be deaf and I do not mind telling people and encouraging them to find out who they are in their identity. If I can help, that’s what I am here for.”

Val’s Story

Val's recovery story.

“For me it was very important that I do see recovery as a process. You don’t just hit a peak and all of a sudden, you’re recovered forever.”

Sumi’s Story

Sumi's recovery story.

“Life can get better. There is life outside of this … No matter how long you end up being in that place, there is a way out.”

Tara’s Story

Tara's recovery story.

“I want to see what I can do now, more than ever. I want to prove it to myself. What can this new Tara be capable of?”

Shoshana’s Story

Shoshana's recovery story.

“I always thought of myself in this big, huge dark hole that I couldn’t get out of. And I’ve gotten out of it.”

Chevon’s Story

Chevon's recovery story.

“It feels good when you can let out, If you bottle everything out its going to come out one way or another.”

Tony’s Story

Tony's recovery story.

“You don’t even have to say anything. You just have to listen…. just being there, helping them, showing them that you actually care.”

Simone’s Story

Simone's recovery story.

“Once you are on the road to trying to figure out who you are … It’s easier to look back and analyze what was going on in your life.”