Sumi’s Story

Sumi's recovery story.

“Life can get better. There is life outside of this … No matter how long you end up being in that place, there is a way out.”

Denise’s Story

Denise's recovery story.

“I am so much stronger than I used to be…I’m really proud of myself…and I’m living my life for the first time in many, many, many years.”

Christopher’s Story

Christopher's recovery story.

“OCD can feel very challenging and could feel like it is the end of the world …. there is a better life in the future that is available and that is possible.”

Naomi’s Story

Jane and Naomi's story.

When I am not doing well, I don’t feel hopeless anymore….Hope, I think, is the biggest sign that you have made it through the worst of it.

Jackson’s Story

Jackson's recovery story.

“Mental illness is just like any other challenge. Because I was diagnosed with bipolar, my entire life trajectory changed. But I’m really happy.”

Susie’s Story

Susie's recovery story.

“I couldn’t do it anymore, I decided that I could not continue the stigma of mental health.”

Katie’s Story

Katie's recovery story.

“I’m really a very capable person, despite having OCD … It was part of my past, it was horrible, but I wouldn’t wish it had never happened.”