Why I Cannot Check the Disability Box

A troubled woman filling out a form in an office.

I decided to write this following my last work-related mental health crisis resulting in me “quitting on the spot.” It was the first time I did not ponder about letting go. After weeks of contemplating leaving, I began to give notice in advance leading up to that day based on what I failed to learn […]

Challenging Victim-Blaming

Mallet of the judge, books, and scales of justice in a courtroom.

In July, we learned about “public stigma” – the stigma that people express towards others. Click here to read that article. In this post, we will examine one type of public stigma that can have a devastating psychological impact on people who are recovering from abuse. Victim-blaming is the tendency to view victims as responsible […]

The TLC4 Model

Many hands together showing unity.

In December, we discussed several stigma change processes, including protest, education, and contact. Of these, contact with those with lived mental health experience is the most effective. Hearing about the mental health challenges and the recovery efforts of others is the best way to decrease stigma and offer realistic hope to those facing similar challenges. […]

Stigma Change Processes

Concept about people diversity and tolerance on a multicolor background.

Back in July, we discussed what stigma is and where it comes from. Click here to read that article again. While this information is useful, the most important thing to know about stigma is that, in a perfect world, it wouldn’t exist. In this post, we’re going to discuss how we can reverse and eliminate […]