Setting Goals and Intentions

Happy New Year! As we are starting our journey into 2024, we not only begin to reflect on our unproductive actions, but we also consider the actions we took that led to great results, which we want to continue. A recent survey of 2,000 individuals conducted by OnePoll, an international marketing research agency, found that […]
Mental Health and Wellness During the Holidays

Find peace this holiday season with self-care. Embrace wellness amidst festivities and reach out for support to navigate this winter’s emotional landscape. You’re not alone.
A Story of Self-Stigma, Shame, and a New Direction with Self-Compassion

What is stigma? Merriam Webster’s Online Dictionary defines stigma as “a mark of shame or discredit: STAIN.” WISE addresses 3 types of stigma: social stigma, structural stigma, and self-stigma. Do you ever have this feeling? If you only knew this “bad thing” about me (whatever that might be), you wouldn’t This is shame in action. And […]
Challenging Our Negative Self-Talk

In this post, we want to share an empowering strategy taught in WISE’s Honest, Open, Proud program. For more information about HOP, click here. It is called the 5 step strategy for challenging our hurtful self-talk. Hurtful self-talk is a form of internalized stigma or shame, which occurs when we come to believe the negative, […]
Mindfulness and Mental Health

At WISE, we talk a lot about the importance of self-care, or the providing of care by you and for you, and its importance in improving your compassion resilience, or CR, and maintaining your overall well-being. Click here to read WISE’s previous post about self-care. One common form of self-care that is practiced cross-culturally is […]
Compassion Resilience: A Path to Wellness

In August’s post, we “pounced” on the subject of compassion fatigue and its harmful path by illustrating Eric Gentry’s research with the help of some cats. Need a reminder? Review it here. Compassion fatigue can result in feelings of depression, anxiety, sadness, exhaustion, and irritation. Knowing what compassion fatigue looks like is key in understanding […]