Setting Goals and Intentions

Happy New Year! As we are starting our journey into 2024, we not only begin to reflect on our unproductive actions, but we also consider the actions we took that led to great results, which we want to continue. A recent survey of 2,000 individuals conducted by OnePoll, an international marketing research agency, found that […]
Three Myths and Truths About Couples Counseling

Couples counseling, often misunderstood as a failure, is a growth tool that strengthens relationships and overcomes harmful myths.
A Story of Self-Stigma, Shame, and a New Direction with Self-Compassion

What is stigma? Merriam Webster’s Online Dictionary defines stigma as “a mark of shame or discredit: STAIN.” WISE addresses 3 types of stigma: social stigma, structural stigma, and self-stigma. Do you ever have this feeling? If you only knew this “bad thing” about me (whatever that might be), you wouldn’t This is shame in action. And […]
Vulnerability: The Key to Authentic Connections

If you’re a social worker, you’ve likely heard of Dr. Brené Brown, a self-described “researcher and storyteller” who studies topics such as shame and vulnerability. Dr. Brown’s personal background is in social work, so these topics are obviously relevant to those in that field, but they’re also valuable and potentially life-changing to those who aren’t. […]