I Am an Eating Disorder Therapist Who Recovered from My Own Past Eating Disorder

This is the first in a series of blogs examining the stigma surrounding mental health clinicians who live with the same conditions they treat. A variety of viewpoints and experiences will be presented. There is certainly stigma that therapists who are public about their mental health histories often face. Unfortunately, mental health stigma in general […]

Dispelling the Stigma Surrounding Psychotherapy 

Woman with light brown hair superimposed on a dreamy landscape of a light pink sky with white clouds and a tranquil light blue body of water.

Much is written and done to battle stigma in mental health these days. Groups such as WISE put out wonderful content to educate the public and eradicate stigma. One primary goal of stigma reduction is to get people past their shame to a point of being willing to seek help for their mental health. Yet there […]