A close-up view of various documents placed on a laptop keyboard.

WISE Shareables

Explore our resources to share the WISE message. Interested in a printed copy? Email us at wise@eliminatestigma.org to request yours.

WISE Program Cards

Get a quick overview of our programs with these half-sheet cards. They’re a powerful advocacy tool and are perfect for sharing.

Two pairs of hands, one with a darker skin tone and one with a lighter skin tone, gently cradling a red heart-shaped object.

Compassion Resilience Toolkit

A group of 4 teenagers in a casual setting in a conversation, laughing and smiling.

Up to Me

A diverse group of cheerful individuals, holding papers, giving thumbs up and raising their fists in celebration

Stigma 101 Course

A woman holding the safe person 7 Promises decal.

Safe Person 7 Promises