Compassion Resilience: Training of Facilitators (FULL)

Feb 13, 15, Mar 6, 8, 2023

1:00 pm

 - 4:00 pm

We want to show up strong and compassionate every day. Compassion Fatigue is a normal response when we care about people in distress. Help yourself and your colleagues by learning the skills and supports

About this event

The Compassion Resilience Toolkit is a flexibly implemented set of resources to build awareness of compassion fatigue and strategies to increase compassion resilience in adults from a system and individual perspective. The resources include activities for large group, small group or team-based use as well as for individual reflection. Included in the 12 sections are activities for leaders and staff on realistic expectations, setting compassionate boundaries, building a culture of compassion, self- care strategies, and links to further learning.

The Training of Facilitators prepares you to bring the toolkit resources to your colleagues. Attend as a team to ideally include: one administrator and 3-4 people who will facilitate with staff. The training includes clarification of leadership roles, rationale for the work, a look at how to inspire culture change through the toolkit, and tips for implementing the toolkit resources matched to the realities of your current organizational commitments and goals.

To Register: Email Alison Wolf at Please have one member of your team register your entire team and indicate which dates you will be attending.
Cost: $800 for a team of 3-5.
Questions: Please contact Alison Wolf at;

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