Jason discussing 7 things not to say to a veteran with PTSD.

7 things not to say to a veteran with PTSD

“PTSD is not a choice. When it’s not external stimuli that triggers the memories, it’s internal intrusive thoughts.”

7 things not to say to a veteran with PTSD

Jason presents a thoughtful and informative guide on how to interact respectfully with veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Jason, who is a veteran himself, explains the evolution of his list from three to seven items, expanded through interactions with other veterans across the country. The key points include avoiding questions about their specific actions in war, not trying to relate through unrelated experiences, and not making assumptions about their physical and mental health based on appearances. He emphasizes the invisible nature of injuries like PTSD and the importance of understanding that it’s not something one can simply “get over.” He also advises against offering personal help if untrained in crisis prevention, instead suggesting directing veterans to professional resources. This guide serves as a vital tool in fostering understanding and supportive communication with veterans, highlighting the nuances of interacting with individuals who have experienced significant trauma.

7 things not to say to a veteran with PTSD

“PTSD is not a choice. When it’s not external stimuli that triggers the memories, it’s internal intrusive thoughts.”

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“PTSD is not a choice. When it’s not external stimuli that triggers the memories, it’s internal intrusive thoughts.”

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