Tony’s Story

Tony's recovery story.

“You don’t even have to say anything. You just have to listen…. just being there, helping them, showing them that you actually care.”

Simone’s Story

Simone's recovery story.

“Once you are on the road to trying to figure out who you are … It’s easier to look back and analyze what was going on in your life.”

Mark’s Story

Mark's recovery story.

“I’ve been in recovery for 20 years…my journey in recovery never ends. When you learn to live with it, it is amazing what can happen.”

Lena’s Story

Lena's recovery story.

“A true friend is always standing, not behind you, but right beside you.”

Randy’s Story

Randy's recovery story.

“There is help out there and all you have to do is ask. All you have to do is find the strength.”

Cammy’s Story

Cammy's recovery story.

“If I can just give of myself. If I can just help one person feel better, that is a purpose in life. And you have to have a purpose.”