Debbie’s Story

Debbie's recovery story.

“I am proud to be deaf and I do not mind telling people and encouraging them to find out who they are in their identity. If I can help, that’s what I am here for.”

Val’s Story

Val's recovery story.

“For me it was very important that I do see recovery as a process. You don’t just hit a peak and all of a sudden, you’re recovered forever.”

Jessica’s Story

Jessica's recovery story.

“Mental health is not something you can fix overnight. Life is tough, but it’s how you take those challenges and weaknesses and turn them into strengths.”

Lauren’s Story

Lauren's recovery story.

“When I think about my future, I get a little teary eye. Because anything is possible.”

Pastor Tim’s Story

Pastor Tim's recovery story.

“My life was all sorts of threads that wove together to make this tapestry. And there was this thread of depression. It’s not a thread I would remove.”

Jackson’s Story

Jackson's recovery story.

“Mental illness is just like any other challenge. Because I was diagnosed with bipolar, my entire life trajectory changed. But I’m really happy.”

Sara’s Story

Sara's recovery story.

“Today, Sara is a very ambitious, driven, patient person…. I’m going places, I’m not going to let anything stop me.”

Colleen’s Story

Colleen's recovery story.

“It’s now been 12 years without hospitalization. I think people who have made it to this point in recovery almost have a duty to tell their story.”

Lena’s Story

Lena's recovery story.

“A true friend is always standing, not behind you, but right beside you.”

Rachel’s Story

Rachel's recovery story.

“Life goes on after tragedy, there is hope. OCD might attack the most important thing to you, but you can beat it with help.”