Mark’s Story

Mark's recovery story.

“I’ve been in recovery for 20 years…my journey in recovery never ends. When you learn to live with it, it is amazing what can happen.”

Susie’s Story

Susie's recovery story.

“I couldn’t do it anymore, I decided that I could not continue the stigma of mental health.”

Colleen’s Story

Colleen's recovery story.

“It’s now been 12 years without hospitalization. I think people who have made it to this point in recovery almost have a duty to tell their story.”

Lena’s Story

Lena's recovery story.

“A true friend is always standing, not behind you, but right beside you.”

Paul’s Story

Paul's recovery story.

Pretty dramatic changes are possible. They take a lot of help. They take a lot of support. They take a lot of understanding.