Chris’ Story

Chris's recovery story.

“A big part of my recovery has been acceptance and awareness … Being able to be at peace, be at ease, really is freeing.”

Debbie’s Story

Debbie's recovery story.

“I am proud to be deaf and I do not mind telling people and encouraging them to find out who they are in their identity. If I can help, that’s what I am here for.”

Mike’s Story

Mike's recovery story.

“It wasn’t until we got educated that helped us change how we interact with Mike, that helped him interact with us.”

Jackson’s Story

Jackson's recovery story.

“Mental illness is just like any other challenge. Because I was diagnosed with bipolar, my entire life trajectory changed. But I’m really happy.”

Sara’s Story

Sara's recovery story.

“Today, Sara is a very ambitious, driven, patient person…. I’m going places, I’m not going to let anything stop me.”

Grenesha’s Story

Grenesha's recovery story.

“I am very proud of who I am and how far I have come. Life today is very peaceful.”

Lena’s Story

Lena's recovery story.

“A true friend is always standing, not behind you, but right beside you.”

Autumn’s Story

Autumn's recovery story.

“People don’t understand, it’s not a character flaw, it’s not a choice. I am a human being with goals, dreams, thoughts, aspirations.”