Lauren’s Story

Lauren's recovery story.

“When I think about my future, I get a little teary eye. Because anything is possible.”

Pastor Tim’s Story

Pastor Tim's recovery story.

“My life was all sorts of threads that wove together to make this tapestry. And there was this thread of depression. It’s not a thread I would remove.”

Naomi’s Story

Jane and Naomi's story.

When I am not doing well, I don’t feel hopeless anymore….Hope, I think, is the biggest sign that you have made it through the worst of it.

Jackson’s Story

Jackson's recovery story.

“Mental illness is just like any other challenge. Because I was diagnosed with bipolar, my entire life trajectory changed. But I’m really happy.”

Greg’s Story

Greg's recovery story.

“I’m okay with me today. I am not ashamed of it anymore. I know that I am not the only one.”

Brandon’s Story

Brandon's recovery story.

“I want to get in the mindset of helping other people…I get a rush out of it, from telling people.”

Grenesha’s Story

Grenesha's recovery story.

“I am very proud of who I am and how far I have come. Life today is very peaceful.”

Katie’s Story

Katie's recovery story.

“I’m really a very capable person, despite having OCD … It was part of my past, it was horrible, but I wouldn’t wish it had never happened.”

Rachel’s Story

Rachel's recovery story.

“Life goes on after tragedy, there is hope. OCD might attack the most important thing to you, but you can beat it with help.”