Pastor Tim’s Story

Pastor Tim's recovery story.

“My life was all sorts of threads that wove together to make this tapestry. And there was this thread of depression. It’s not a thread I would remove.”

Naomi’s Story

Jane and Naomi's story.

When I am not doing well, I don’t feel hopeless anymore….Hope, I think, is the biggest sign that you have made it through the worst of it.

Greg’s Story

Greg's recovery story.

“I’m okay with me today. I am not ashamed of it anymore. I know that I am not the only one.”

Angelina’s Family Speaks

Angelina's recovery story.

“Too often, police encounters with people with mental illness end up tragically or with someone being arrested. It just isn’t the right way.”

Lena’s Story

Lena's recovery story.

“A true friend is always standing, not behind you, but right beside you.”

Autumn’s Story

Autumn's recovery story.

“People don’t understand, it’s not a character flaw, it’s not a choice. I am a human being with goals, dreams, thoughts, aspirations.”

Tajuanna’s Story

Tajuanna recovery story.

“If you have mental health issues, it’s okay. It will be okay. You will be okay. I have accepted my path, it is my path, and it is not going to dictate my future.”

Angelina’s Story

Angelina's recovery story.

“I have come to a place where I am more accepting of my condition. I’m able to work more through things.”